Poor-quality jammers expose Russian military’...


On the Ukrainian battlefield, Russia tried to respond to the threat posed by drones by deploying a large number of anti-drone jammers. drone jammer However, it turned out that these radio jammers performed poorly in the face of Ukrainian drone attacks and even became the laughing stock of Ukrainian drone operators. Not only did these devices fail to effectively prevent drone attacks, but they also gave Russian soldiers a "false sense of security" due to design flaws, which ultimately exacerbated their casualties.cell phone jammer   The ideal and reality of radio jammers   In theory, the principle of anti-drone radio signal jammers is to cut off the communication between drones and their operators by emitting strong radio jamming signals, thereby affecting the control and navigation of drones. Wifi jammer However, the actual battlefield environment is complex and changeable, especially the flexible and diverse flight strategies adopted by Ukrainian drones, and Russian jamming equipment has not adapted well to these changes.GPS jammer   A well-known Russian blogger revealed this. He pointed out that the multi-frequency jammers worth $2,400 sold by Russia not only failed to achieve the expected results, but also gave soldiers a false sense of security due to major errors in design and manufacturing, which ultimately threatened their lives. The blogger specifically mentioned that this is not the first time that this device has failed on the battlefield. A few months ago, Ukrainian troops stole a Russian tank equipped with a similar jammer and also found it almost ineffective.   Upward antenna and fragile design   The blogger conducted a detailed analysis of the design of this radio jammer and pointed out several significant flaws. The first is that the direction of the antenna is not designed properly. An ideal droneGSM jammer should be able to broadcast radio signals in multiple directions, covering a large area, thereby interfering with drones in multiple directions and altitudes. However, most of the antennas of this jammer are fixed upward, which means that it can only cover the situation where the drone flies directly above.

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