What's the smallest hotel known to man? A pussy. Because you leave your bags outside!
What's the smallest hotel known to man? A pussy. Because you leave your bags outside!
A vagina is like the weather. Once its wet, it's time to go inside
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A premature ejaulator went to a dinner party. He didn't know what to wear, so he just came in his pants
They had to change the meeting time for the premature ejaculators' support group. Everyone kept coming too early.
A "busy beaver" sounds like a derogatory term for a sexually promiscuous woman
Ahh memories! This just came to mind right now. Way back when I was inexperienced performing oral sex for the first time. I asked, "Am I doing it right?" To which he replied, "Not if you're talking."
Looks delicious just like a grapefruit! How is a pussy like a grapefruit though? The best ones squirt when you eat them
This reminds me of what Adam could have said to Eve the first time they had sex: Stand back, I'm not sure how much bigger it'll get!
I am not a Starfish: A Female Step by Step Guide to Actively Participate During Sex
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What did the hurricane say to the palm tree? Better hold onto your nuts because this is no ordinary blowjob.