Why do people say "Grow some balls" balls are so weak & sensitive you ought to say "Grow a vagina" those things really take a pounding.
Why do people say "Grow some balls" balls are so weak & sensitive you ought to say "Grow a vagina" those things really take a pounding.
If I had a donkey and you had a chicken and if my donkey ate your chicken what will we have? Three feet of you cock up my ass.
He knows he is doing something wrong when it comes to foreplay. But he can't quite put his finger on it
Guys! Give your ladies an Australian kiss. It's the same as a French kiss, but down under.
Ahh memories! This just came to mind right now. Way back when I was inexperienced performing oral sex for the first time. I asked, "Am I doing it right?" To which he replied, "Not if you're talking."
Why is being in the military like a blow-job? The closer you get to discharge, the better you feel.
That pussy though entails a quick announcement: brought to you by Charles Darwin: Women might have evolved to stay with partners who eat pussy